Serial LCD Review

Aron Schatz
May 13, 2002
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MODTHEBOX! reivews a serial LCD display.

Intelligent display devices are common place in today's society and we have seen this technology implemented into just about everything imaginable from wrist watches to VCR's and now high performance computer systems. The advantage of an intelligent display device is the ability to interactivity know how well a computer system is performing. The solution works two fold by taking the right piece of hardware and compliment it with the right application software. The end result is a package that can provide vital statistics that can be read at a mere glance. Matrix Orbital based out of Calgary, Alberta has been producing a wide range of popular LCD units for the last serveral years. Today in the MTB Labs, we will be evaluating the Matrix Orbital NK204-V 20x4 Serial LCD, a new budget minded intelligent LCD display for the personal PC.


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