Chaintech Geforce4 Ti 4600 Review

Aron Schatz
May 2, 2002
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I really need to get one of these card already!

There is an old saying that goes, "Bigger is better," and this definitely seems to apply when talking about video cards. The GeForce 4 is the fourth generation of NVIDIA's GeForce line, and each new installment is that much bigger and better, than those that came before it. Today we are going to look at Chaintech's A-GT61. This is Chaintech's "Special Edition" model using GeForce 4 Titanium 4600 technology, currently the flagship of their line of video cards. We feel this card is a beauty to behold, with its dark PCB board and golden heatsinks on front and back cooling the NV25 chip and ample 128MB of 650Mhz DDR memory. The card itself is larger than most video cards, with a large number of capacitors at the end. It's size somewhat reminds me of the original AWE32 from Creative Labs. Although they have been delivering quality motherboards for sometime, Chaintech, hailing from Taiwan, is a lesser known player in the video card market. While their website is somewhat Spartan, their product line is not, ranging from the new GeForce 4 models all the way back to the Riva TNT2 series, including a standard version of the TI 4600 that retails for slightly less than the A-GT61, but leaves off the memory heatsinks. Lets take a closer look at the Chaintech A-GT61 and what it can do

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