Royal Food Import Corp. Taps Savi Networks to Monitor Freshness of Food Products From Asia to the United States

March 2, 2010

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Royal Food Import Corp. Taps Savi Networks to Monitor Freshness of Food Products From Asia to the United States

SaviTrak(TM) -- Using GPS, Cellular and Sensors -- Provides Royal Food With Real-Time Intelligence on the Status, Security and Condition of Products In-Transit

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. and BOSTON, March 2 -- Royal Food Import Corp., an export firm specializing in the food market, has selected Savi Networks for its automated wireless monitoring service to improve the end-to-end visibility, security and freshness of food products while in transit.  The initial phase of the three-year contract involves real-time tracking and security of fruit and vegetable products as they're transported in cargo containers by truck, rail and ocean vessel from production sources in Thailand and China to distribution centers in the United States.


  For a longer version of this announcement, click here.

In recent months, Savi Networks has signed several agreements for its SaviTrak(TM) intelligence service with businesses engaged in the transportation and distribution of food and beverage products, including with Highland Spring, the maker of organic bottled water, and Transmed Foods, Inc., the U.S. distribution arm of the Crespo Group.

"Royal Food is committed to providing our retail and restaurant customers with top quality products at competitive prices, and we fully utilize state-of-the-art information systems such as SaviTrak to ensure product integrity from the field to the plate," said Collin Tuthill, president of Royal Food Import.  "The SaviTrak service embeds us with a competitive information advantage to help deliver fresh products when they're wanted at the right price even if they're shipped globally."

"We're pleased to provide Royal Food with a 21st century intelligence service that delivers visibility and control of global trade - wirelessly - virtually anywhere, anytime," said Neil Smith, chief executive officer of Savi Networks.  "With a single and shared view across the end-to-end supply chain, SaviTrak(TM) can dramatically improve performance, efficiency and product integrity."

About Savi Networks

Savi Networks,,  a joint venture between Lockheed Martin (NYSE:LMT) and Hutchison Port Holdngs, improves the efficiency and security of global trade.  SaviTrak(TM) is an intelligence service that utilizes reliable wireless shipment monitoring technology to provide shippers, logistics service providers, and terminal operators with easily accessible, precise and actionable information.

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Source: Savi Networks

CONTACT:  Mark Nelson of Savi Networks, +1-650-316-4872,,

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