Internet More Important Than Sex

Aron Schatz
December 15, 2008

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Yes, it's official. In a survey put out by Intel, People would rather go without sex for a length of time than give up the internet for the same length. Wow. Wait till 3D interactive porn comes out. Society will be screwed, not literally.


Sixty five percent of adults feel they cannot live without Internet access, and even more - 71 percent - responded that it is important or very important to have Internet-enabled devices that can provide them with real-time updates on important issues including the state of the economy.

When asked to rate certain discretionary items on a scale of 1 (completely expendable) to 5 (cannot live without it), having Internet access ranks highest among the items listed, with 65 percent of U.S. adults reporting they cannot live without it. The following items and activities were ranked below Internet access in importance: cable television subscriptions (39 percent); dining out (20 percent); shopping for clothes (18 percent); and, gym membership (10 percent).

This confirmed what I personally believed to be true - that the Internet is essential, maybe even indispensible, especially during the current economic situation we're facing. But what really surprised me here was just how essential the Internet has become. More than half ranked the Internet as completely expendable over things like cable TV, dining out and even gym memberships! If asked, I suppose I'd also make the same choices.


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