AMEYO Launches Voicelog Archiver to Effectively Manage Voice Logs

February 25, 2013

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AMEYO Launches Voicelog Archiver to Effectively Manage Voice Logs

GURGAON, India, February 25, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --

    Drishti's AMEYO Solution Archives Voice Logs With the Voicelog Archiver

    Customer satisfaction [ ] and experience are
the buzzwords in today's technology-focused society. However, to cater to customers and
their needs, contact centers and enterprises heavily rely on technological tools
[ ]. These tools help them in answering challenges presented to
them by a dynamic and demanding customer base who yearn for better service delivery and
quick turnaround time.


    CIM solutions like AMEYO tried to gauge and respond to this requirement from the end
users and stepped forth with yet another innovation, known as the Voicelog Archiver. It
has been designed specially to manage all the Voice Logs. Since, voice logs play an
integral role in elevating customer satisfaction as well as quality monitoring, management
of the same becomes of paramount importance.

    Sachin Bhatia, VP, Drishti-Soft Solutions, opines, "In the advancing multimedia
communication age, we heavily rely on customers for the smooth operation of businesses. In
order to appease them and also ensure quality maintenance, call centres depend on
technology equipment. One such device is the Voicelog which has the capability to record
calls. Since, contact centres interact with huge customers day in and day out, the need to
manage and archive the voice logs has risen. To respond to this requirement, AMEYO has
come up with the Voicelog Archiver, a complete Customer Interaction Management tool (CIM)
which has the ability to handle voice logs efficiently."

    Voicelog Archiver provides improved performance for any business. It has the ability
to manage voice logs and archive them to remote servers and also empower the user
interface to monitor applications. In addition to this, the feature also allows the
scheduling of voice log and fetching them after office hours. With Voicelog Archiver, one
can monitor the disk space at the archive server which prompts email notifications when
there is insufficient space. It fetches records by applying filter on a range of fields
which includes date, campaign, agent, custom ID, customer phone number, queue, lead, etc.
With a Voicelog Archiver, an agent can download multiple recordings which are in MP3
format and play them accordingly.

    About AMEYO:

    AMEYO is the flagship solution from Drishti for complete CIM. It has been designed to
add value to the businesses and pave way for a structured growth. AMEYO customers enjoy
significant increase in efficiency levels, reduction in operational costs, flexibility,
consistent user experience and a demonstrable ROI.

    About Drishti:

    Drishti offers communications solutions that empower enterprises and contact centers
to dynamically manage business processes, interactions, workforce and service levels on
emerging Unified Communications (IP Telephony, Unified Messaging, Conferencing, Presence
Management, and Application Collaboration), SOA (Service Oriented Architecture), and SaaS
(Software as a Service). Cutting-edge technologies from Drishti have been designed to add
value to the businesses and pave way for a structured growth.

    Primary Media Contact: Vijayendra Raj,, 91-124-4770123


Drishti - Soft Solutions Pvt Ltd



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