Tuesday Space News

Aron Schatz
May 9, 2006
Tags Space

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Dark matter halo is spherical.


Streams of stars that are being ripped to shreds as they spiral into the Milky Way have been imaged in unprecedented detail using data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The so-called Field of Streams suggests the halo of dark matter that cocoons our galaxy is spherical - not squashed like an American football as previously thought.

NASA preps shuttle for tank.


NASA has decided not to conduct a fuelling test in which the external tank is loaded with cryogenic hydrogen and oxygen in advance of its lift-off date. Two such tests were conducted before Discovery's last flight in 2005. One reason for the test would have been to check out the engine cut-off (ECO) sensors, which act as fuel gauges. The sensors experienced problems during preparations for Discovery's 2005 flight.

Venus Express breaks a mirror.


The mirror sits in front of an interferometer and directs incoming light from either the planet itself, cold space or an internal black body used for calibration. During launch in November 2005, the mirror was pointed at the black body source. The PFS checked out fine after launch, but when mission managers tried to move the mirror they realised it was stuck.


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