Monday Tech News

Aron Schatz
April 3, 2006
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Intel makes PC for developing nations.


Because the PC is also a source of income for the kiosk owner, the cost can be higher than other developing world devices that have been limited in functionality by price point. Intel declined to name the price of the machine but said in a statement that it is partnering with local banks to offer payment plans to village entrepreneurs looking to set up a Community PC kiosk. The kiosk program is called "Jaagruti" (pronounced Zhah-grew-ty), which is Sanskrit for "awakening," according to Kwan.

Sunscreen causes thyroid problems.


Further experiments on rats and human cells in the lab showed that another major UV-blocking chemical, benzophenone 2 (BP2), also disrupted hormones that act on the thyroid. But the German team also found that the presence of element iodine in the mixture prevented this negative effect. Iodine has been previously shown to affect pathways involving thyroid stimulating hormone.

The perscribing of hyperactivity drugs is out of control.


Now, amid reports of rare but serious side effects, leading researchers and doctors are calling for a review of the way ADHD is dealt with. Many prescriptions are being written by family doctors with little expertise in diagnosing ADHD, raising doubts about how many people on these stimulants really need them. Just as worrying, large numbers of children who do have ADHD are going undiagnosed.


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