Weekend Tech News

Aron Schatz
October 16, 2005
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Patch up your Windows PCs. Or not...


Installing the patch can cause serious problems, Microsoft said in an advisory posted to its Web site Friday. The patch could lock users out of their PC, prevent the Windows Firewall from starting, block certain applications from running or installing, and empty the network connections folder, among other things, the software maker said.

Lunar Eclipse tomorrow.


Remember that an eclipsed Moon sets right around the time when the Sun is rising. As such, the brightening, almost-daylight sky at that time may cut as much as 15 minutes from your eclipse viewing. The western sky needs to be a bit darker and the Moon needs to be a bit higher; at least clear of any horizon haze so that you can have a clear shot at it.

Perhaps these stemcells won't get Bush's panties in a bind.


A second team at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology managed to genetically damage cells and then use cloning technology to make a crippled mouse embryo that could never develop in the womb. They then developed embryonic stem cells from the embryo. Both methods had been discussed as ways to bypass objections that some people including U.S. President George W. Bush have to embryonic stem cell research. The studies, published in the journal Nature, show they are technically feasible.

No analog TV by 2009.


U.S. television broadcasters would be required to air only digital signals by April 7, 2009 and an auction of their old airwaves would have to raise at least $4.81 billion, under draft Senate Commerce Committee legislation obtained by Reuters on Friday.


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