Wed Tech News

Aron Schatz
April 20, 2005
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I will have a new review out tomorrow. Count on it!

Careful about selling hard drive with data on them. A simple format does not take everything off. The article mention low-level formating. In the context of the containing sentence, it is a higher level formating that the article is stating.


The first step for many people would be a low-level reformatting of the operating system on their PC, even though doing that with Microsoft's Windows or Apple Computer's Mac OS operating systems won't destroy data completely, experts said. "What we've seen with a lot of clients is that they think that reformatting a drive gets rid of the data, and that's just not true," said Kathy Ferguson, a business unit manager with IBM's Asset Recovery Solutions Group. "In a typical scenario, that only overwrites partitions, or sectors of data. At the end of the day, you can recover that data readily if you have the right tools."

Microsoft gets 911 emergency information patent. Filed a month after Sept 11th.


"The present invention provides a method and system for maintaining emergency data in a manner that provides straightforward user access thereto via a displayed emergency page (or set of pages) or other suitable user interface," according to the Patent documentation. "In one embodiment, the operating system or other suitable components maintain a repository of emergency data such that emergency type information can be aggregated and displayed in one place."

NASA's DART failure considered a partial success.


Programme manager Jim Snoddy called the $110 million DART demonstration a partial success because the autonomous craft had located the satellite, locked onto it, and moved partway toward its target before shutting-down. The autonomous craft had completed eight planned steps before shutting down nearly halfway through the 24-hour mission, he told reporters. Yet at the time of the failure DART still has 40 more planned manoeuvres to complete, excluding its final orbit change.

More news later.


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