Doom 3 Review Tonight

Aron Schatz
August 6, 2004

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I just updated the code again and it seems to be working fine. I'll be throwing up the first new review for this site. Doom 3 will be put through the ringer. I also want to take the time to discuss why we won't be giving a number rating to games...

Ratings are all relative, they are based on previous games and current competing games. You can't give a game a rating without knowing everything else coming out in the past or future. We'll give our opinions of the game and draw our own conclusions, but the final descision is left up to you, the consumer. Like you, we are consumers as well. I for one don't like to buy a crap game.

Anyway, tonight will be the first one. Make sure to post some comments and let us know how it's working.


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