SearchCatalyst Offers Guidance to SMEs Looking to Become More Search Engine Friendly

August 21, 2012

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SearchCatalyst Offers Guidance to SMEs Looking to Become More Search Engine Friendly

LONDON, August 21, 2012/PRNewswire/ --

           SMEs invest thousands of pounds on developing new websites that are not
optimised for search. SearchCatalyst can help SMEs boost organic search thereby increasing

                               web traffic and conversions

    Many small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) are failing to develop sites that are
properly optimised for search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo. Although thousands
of pounds may be invested on flashy Flash-based websites, without quality content, real
depth and 'search friendly' elements, websites will fall flat in search rankings. Search
engines rank sites according to the quality of its content and relevance. Flash websites,
focusing heavily on code, are often unsearchable in the eyes of search engines such as
Google, and consequently left out of the rankings.

    While SMEs think spending thousands of pounds on a website is enough to boost search
rankings and correspondingly web traffic, according to SearchCatalyst, company from
Europe's largest independent search marketing agency Greenlight, this is not enough. For
web users to find the site in the first place SEO needs to be perfect; SearchCatalyst can
help SMEs find their SEO mojo.

    SearchCatalyst is focused 100% on small business SEO
[ ]. It has devised three highly specialised
SEO packages tailored to individual clients depending on desired scope and company budget.
Its SEO for small businesses [ ] includes tailoring each
package to suit the business it works with. Whether the business is a local one or
completely online, SearchCatalyst has experience working with each and can create a
Strategy to bring more potential clients to your site. Whatever package a company decides
upon, the same high level of service, including management and reporting, will be
conducted throughout the contracted period by SearchCatalyst.

    Brendon Johnson,Level 14,The Broadgate Tower,Primrose St,London,EC2A 2EW [ ]

Source: SearchCatalyst


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