ConnectWise Unveils 2012.1, Extends Industry Leading Service Management Capabilities

March 29, 2012

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ConnectWise Unveils 2012.1, Extends Industry Leading Service Management Capabilities

New features include robust invoicing and ticketing updates and financial dashboard enhancements

TAMPA, Fla., March 29, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- ConnectWise today announced new features in the leading service management software designed exclusively for IT service providers, VARS, ISVs and MSPs. ConnectWise 2012.1, the first in a series of four updates planned for the calendar year, includes a broad array of new or enhanced features as well as partner-requested enhancements.


"We've been working with 2012.1 since it was released to beta - and WOW!  ConnectWise produced a fantastic release," said Pat DiPersia, owner at DiPersia Technology Solutions, LLC. "This will be a tough one to follow-up on - between three new enhancement requests from partners and several new features, this release is a hit."

Among the dozens of additional features, updates and enhancements, the ConnectWise 2012.1 release includes the following:

    --  Financial Dashboard Enhancements: ConnectWise's Financial Dashboard has
        been upgraded and redesigned to provide better information on effective
        rates and costs and billable/non-billable time, all intended to help
        partners better manage client accounts and profits/losses. The feature
        displays a list of projects by company or member, and shows the
        profitability of all projects. The dashboard will also include summaries
        and graphs for past months.

    --  New integration between invoicing and accounting: ConnectWise 2012.1
        provides additional integration between invoicing and accounting
        operations. Invoice details can now be posted to the general ledger of
        popular accounting packages such as QuickBooks or Peachtree. The status
        of unpaid past due invoices are automatically updated and invoices can
        now be emailed to multiple contacts.

    --  Web Client Additions: With the release of 2012.1, more screens than ever
        will be accessible through the Web Client. Partners are able to view My
        Calendar in the browser. Additionally performing a configuration search,
        full ticket search and project search is now available.

    --  Easier email ticketing: Working with service tickets via email is also
        simpler and more productive, with changes to the format of email replies
        to tickets that make them easier to read.

    --  Service Board Enhancements: Updates to the Service Board include showing
        SLA information at a glance, an easy way to view the time remaining to
        meet an SLA.

    --  LDAP integration: The new ConnectWise 2012.1 also includes integration
        with LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) to sync user
        information, maintain accurate records and enforce password policies,
        such as password strength.
"The release of ConnectWise 2012.1, our first major release this year, introduces many new and improved features for managing and acting on business intelligence data," said Arnie Bellini, ConnectWise CEO. "With each phase of updates, we build a more powerful and sophisticated solution that gives partners more ways to achieve profitability and growth."

ConnectWise 2012.1 is now available to all current partners using on-premises or cloud/SaaS versions of ConnectWise.

ConnectWise is Professional Services Automation (PSA) software written by IT people who understand IT business. ConnectWise partners enjoy the increased control, heightened productivity and rising revenues provided by the integrated services available through ConnectWise. ConnectWise provides a true and total 360ยบ view of the company's day-to-day workflows and results. ConnectWise PSA enables everyone in the business to connect and communicate through one unified and fully integrated operational platform that simplifies functions such as help desk and service management; sales, marketing and account management; finance management; project management; procurement and inventory; dashboards and reporting; and streamlined integration with applications by more than 400 developers.

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About ConnectWise
Designed exclusively for the IT Channel, ConnectWise is the leading business management solution for service providers, MSPs, technology consultants, integrators, and developers. Today more than 62,000 IT professionals rely on ConnectWise to achieve greater accountability, operational efficiency and profitability. ConnectWise fully integrates CRM, sales, help desk ticket and tracking, project tracking, IT service management, SLAs, dispatch scheduling, mobile IT services, time and expenses into a singularIT management software to dramatically streamline IT companies. Over the last 29 years, ConnectWise has become the premier business operating system for IT solution providers. ConnectWise APIs are accessed by over 300 organizations, including ConnectWise partners and industry leaders of the IT Nation. For more information visit or call 800-671-6898.

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Mark Smith

JPR Communications


Skype: jprmark

SOURCE  ConnectWise


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