OLED displays in 2004 for sure

Aron Schatz
February 26, 2003

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Finally, we've all heard of it and now Samsung is going to bring it to market by 2004. OLED doesn't require a backlight and is thinner and lighter than TFT.


So far, OLED has the broadest support from manufacturers, but analysts believe it will be something on the order of 10 years before OLED can be a viable challenger to LCD. OLED screen technology is being used in smaller devices, such as electric shavers and cell phones.

OLED displays don't require a backlight because the polymers used in the display light up when an electrical charge is applied. The light-emitting characteristic means that devices won't need as much power to run and can be thinner than LCDs, which are dependant on a backlight. Screens are the most power-consuming and expensive component in most computing devices.

Yep, I know my electric shaver has an OLED display... Right...


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