Radeon 9700 Pro indepth IQ review

Aron Schatz
September 10, 2002
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Brent at [H] has an excellent display of the IQ of the new Radeon 9700.

[QUOTE]I think it can all be pretty much summed up by saying the Radeon 9700 Pro provides the best ratio of image quality with performance, period. Right now no other consumer card provides the level of performance we've seen with the image quality in games that you can achieve. High resolution Anti-Aliasing - this is really what itÂ’s all about. We are able to play at 1600x1200x32 at 6X AA with 16X AF in some games. Other games like Unreal Tournament 2003 do put more stress on the video card. Playing around in UT 2003 I found that 1024x768 with 4X AA and Quality 16X AF was VERY playable all around. Other games like flight sims and racing sims benefit greatly from the improved images AA and AF provide.[/QUOTE


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