Morning review

Aron Schatz
July 29, 2002
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I'll just mass all the reviews I've found here... Tons of stuff...

Herc Radeon 8500 LE @ Beyond3d.
Swiftech Water cooling @ Mikhailtech.
Abit Ti4200 @ Hardwarezone.
Shuttle SS51 @ Tech-Report.
Albatron KT333 @ Overclockers NZ.
AGP 8x vs 4x @ HWZ.
Chaintech KT333 @ TweakTown.
Chaintech KT333 @ VH.
Triplex Xabre 400 @ TweakTown.

Those are the reviews for now. We have some new review coming as well from Nivram (who just broke his new peltier Wink) and myself. I need to buy a new motherboard and cpu first...


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