M$ XP Updates

June 15, 2002
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I happened to be perusing the M$ XP update site after installing SP1 and decided to try out the manual site since I hadn't noticed any driver update to a network card I had reinstalled and which had always gotten one from the site previously. Going through the driver and OS updates I happened to notice quite a few driver and a few more OS patches then I had previously seen before. Many are listed as being released or posted in the posted the past few days. Unfortunately many seem to be the same update and aren't labeled differently, but they are. Among the many updates I found were for USB2, HP printers(needed badly since HP doesn't seem to want to support thier products, just sell them), ATI and nVidia drivers, many of which are quite up to date drivers and even a new Athlon driver (5.1.2600.28) I am not positive on some of these drivers dates since many may have been in testing or put on the back burner since M$ has been concentrating on security patches, but it might be what you needed. M$ XP update site You'll need to go to the manual listings by way of the Windows Update Catalog in the left hand column.


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